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Triturus helveticus alonsoi

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Hi all,

I want to share two pictures with you that I took today.
Both showing my male of Triturus helveticus alonsoi

Best Greetings,


Coen Deurloo

I've never seen pictures so detailed of T. helveticus alonsoi before Kamil, thanks, I really like them! Could we use your photo's on this site? We will be making a list of species which will be linked to individual pages with photo's. These are extremely nice photo's!


Hi Coen,

of course you are allowed to use them :-)

Best Greetings,



Indeed they are very sharp, and for me its a new kind of this specie.
I did know Triturus helveticus, but i never heard of Triturus helveticus alonsoi.
So I learnd a litle bit today :)

Thanks for posting this sharp picture.

Greetings Jeffrey

Andy W.

Congratulations Kamil.....

Some nice shots. And nice newts  ;D



Coen Deurloo


Thank you all for the compliments :-)
I hope to be able to provide you soon with more pictures! I won't post them all here in the forum, but you can see them then on my new homepage

Best Greetings,



Hey Kamil, You have some nice newts on your site !!!

I saw a realy nice picture of the Triturus alpestris cyreni.


And i have one question: What kind of bleu and orange wire you have in your Triturus alpestris alpestris home ?


Hahaha right, And now I see you`re pic I know you from


Hi all,

the "wires" is synthetic wool made from plastic. I just cut it into pieces, washed it with clear (hot and cold) water and put that into the tank. The animals spawn in it and it is better then plants for that case because it does not rot and can be cut easily.
I'm sure most of you know it already but for those who don't: Under I have uploaded my video of Triturus montandoni mating and spawning (into that wool)

Best Greetings,


Andy W.

Hi Kamil.....

the idea with the wool seems to be good. Every year I buy for a lot of €´s water plants. This year I will try this in 1 or 2 aquas. Do you take them off the water, if the larvas are eclosed ?

Greetings, Andy


Hi Andy,

no - I leave in the water as it is a premium hiding for larvae (decreases the cannibalism) and it works well as mechanical filter too - so just wash it out sometimes.
It was Günter Schultschik ( who had this idea - I just decided to use it for me too :-)

Best Greetings,


Andy W.

Thanks for this expeditious answer.

Well, that sounds all logical. I will try it out this year. Maybe I can safe a lot of money with NOT buying water plants this year  ;D

Yes, I saw some pics from Günther at your HP. My Triturus marmoratus are from him  ;)
