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S.s. alfredschmidti larva

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Hi all together,

one of my females gave birth to 14 juveniles, out of them were 3 larvae. One larva got killed by the other too as it was weak from the brith on land and the second one morphed at a size of ca. 3cm. This one is left and about 5cm long. Despite the tail there seems to be no start of metamorphosis as the gills even grew a little bit.

Best Greetings,


Coen Deurloo

Congratulations Kamil to your newly born babies! Great photos!

What will you be feeding them?


Hi Coen,

they were born in the end of December :-) So this larva is pretty old already :-)

Best Greetings,



Kamil, very interesting, I also found a larvae in the Tendi valley in 2006, I published it Amphibia. Your larvae could always be a result of terrarium conditions, but it's interesting to see that it happens more.

14 is a huge number by the way...


Hi Wouter,

yes I know about your finding :-)
I am not sure at all if this happened because of husbandry. The animals had no waterpart - so she could not have deposit the larvae into water. They were born just with the completely morphed ones. Maybe that happens also in nature but due to the birth on land the larvae mostly do not survive?
Anyhow the larva died some weeks ago. I'm curious if that will happen next year again. For all safety I will give them a waterbowl then.

Best Greetings,
