Hypselotriton orientalis - Videoclip

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Can you give an explanation about what we see?
Or someone else, i prefer in dutch, but english is alright.

Gr. André


Kloppen van het hart bij een Hypselotriton orientalis larf.

Opzich wel knap gedaan


Volgens mij zie je het bloed rondgepompt worden door de stabilisatoren van een H.(c.) orientalis.


Kamil, Is the sound Real or just uploaded elswhere?


Jeroen just watch the closing credits, heartbeat-sounds: freesounds.org

Thanks for the explanation

Coen Deurloo

Yeah I helped him finding that site ;) The sounds on that site are available under the creative commons license.


Hi all,

yes - without Coen the official Version would be mute - the inofficial Version had "Whisky Bar" from the Doors as Soundtrack  ;D So: THANKS COEN!  ;)
Be prepared to many clips with sounds in future!

Best Greetings,