Strange behaviour in triturus cristatus (video) comment please.

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Fer xD

the last tuesday a female started to move strage like the video shows, i have separated them from the rest, today she eats well, but she continues twisting like that, i really don't know what's going on, she has laid eggs last winter, she eats a lot and lastly was OK.
If you have some idea please comment smile

Strange movement

TODAY i have bad news, she vomit the worm she ate, and the tail becomes yellow ( she's concentrating toxnis??), the skin with acid smell, i'm sure she has been secreting toxins, i change all the water, but she is worse than the last days... i hope that with this info you can do some diagnosis and tell me how to heal her.

Have you ever experimented this situation like this? is the second time it happens to me, and only with adult females, the males eat the same and share the same tank an are perfect, i haev a younger female that's ok too!

Jef Janssens

I would put her on land for a few days,and also not feed her for a day or 4.


Aha...ik heb wel 'ns met wat Dobrogicus dieren met een speciale kleur doorgekweekt wat uitmonden op dit gedrag....Dit kwam niet meer goed (enkele maanden afgewacht) uiteindelijk heb ik de dieren moeten euthaniseren....oorzaak..mischien kalkgebrek of genetisch?

Fer xD

i think it was something genetical or because of the old age ( i have her since 2 years but she has more than this, i got her as an adult.)


Ik had nog nooit gezien.  :o
andere persoon zien we deze ziekte?

je n'avais jamais vue cela.
d'autre personne on constater cette maladie ?