Salamandra salamandra terrestris in Zuid Limburg

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Andy W.

Hello together.....

the following picture I took yesterday in Zuid Limburg. I´ve been searching for Triturus species, and found under an old piece of tree this little creature. Wonderful. Maybe it was "german", because the picture was taken just about 200 meters behind the German/Dutch border.

Greetings, Andy


Nice picture Andy, its a nice specie Salamandra salamandra terrestris ;)


Nice find Andy, certainly for this time of the year! I've deleted the locality data for conservation issues, it's best not to name the localities.

Coen Deurloo

Andy W.

@ Wouter

Oh, sorry. Didn´t think about that. But that location is a forrest-area of about 470 hectares ::)
But sorry, won´t tell any location anymore  ;)

I´ve been very surprised to find there a S.s.terrestris. I´ve been searching at the german side of the forrest-area my whole life, and found none! Since last year I know, that they shouldn´t excist at the german side. That´s why it was a big surprise, maybe a little sensation for me. It looked like, that it was in hibernation, as it didn´t react. I didn´t touch the little creature, and put the wood, under which I found it again over it.
But, as everyone can see, it is a juvenile ! So, where are the adults ??? I guess none would abandon a juvenile one. So they must reproduce somewhere. There is a small lake right beside the location. I know, that there, up to now no fishes are in. But every year there are thousands of Rana temporaria breading. Sometimes I found some Mesotriton (former Triturus) alpestris and Lissotriton (former Triturus) vulgaris there.....
Be sure, I will let you know, if I find another one there  ;D

Greetings, Andy


No problem Andy! Yes, this species seems to occur at more places in Limburg than registerd. As far as I know, this place was known of.

Salamandra's are still very secretive species; that's what makes herping salamanders and newts so much fun! It's just really different from "normal" reptile herping you see on tv.

Andy W.

Well, taht´s rather intersting. Up to now i heared from two locations in the Netherlands, where to find Terrestris (both in Zuid Limburg)  ;), but I didn´t know, that this location was known for Terrestris. Are you sure, we mean the same location ?
Give me an e mail, plz.


Coen Deurloo

I also know one location, because I've been there. I did hear a lot of other locations from people I know there though! So it could be that they are more spread out than people know.

Andy W.

Yes, I also think that there are more locations, than we know. Maybe it´s because the species is not popular to a lot of peoples, so maybe some poeples don´t tell about seeing such nice creatures....


Coen Deurloo

Personally I think it has more to do with S. salamandra being a reclusive specie. For dutch newt and salamander herpers, southern limburg is walhalla.

Andy W.

Salamandra s. salamandra instead off Salamandra s. terrestris ?
Well that would be a sensation for Zuid Limburg. S.s.s lives in eastern and southeast Europe. In Germany, except for the southern part of Germany, only lives Terrestris. Also, as I know, in France and Belgium. That would be the only S.s.s population northwards River Main and westwards River Rhein (Rhine). ;)

Greetings, Andy