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Neurergus kaiseri larvae

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Johnny O. farnen

Had an exceptional amount of luck breeding Neurergus kaiseri here in Nebraska this past season. Here are some pictures of just a few of the larvae as of right now:

Here is how it all started:

Jari B

Can you discribe more how you have breed them?


Hey Johhny,

Great to see you here on this foum.
Love the pics, i heared there were quite some deads among the larvae, in the beginning.
Do you have that under control now?

Johnny O. farnen

Hello Hugo!
Glad to be here. Forgive me for being slow to post here, I use translation software.

I have corrected the high mortality rate of larvae by changing the type of tanks I am raising them in. By moving them to heavily planted pond tanks I have returned to a zero death rate. Currently, I just finished collecting the 17th (!!!) clutch of viable eggs since December of 2009.

For Jari- Copies of the report I wrote up a while back can be found at the following links. My apologies, I have not figured out how to post it here yet. It is also in English as I am unsure how to translate PDF documents to other languages.

Johnny O. farnen

Sadly, I just found out from Nate Nelson that Neurergus kaiseri was in fact unanimously voted into CITES Appendix 1 today. Such a shame. No provision left for the captive husbandry of the species.


so, what will happen now? I do not understand what the exact concequenses will be?

Johnny O. farnen

All trade in this species is now banned without CITES permits. For us here in the states, we are uncertain what happens next. It appears we can keep our specimens. We cannot breed them or ship them outside the state. All international trade is banned.